Should college education be free?

Should college education be free? by Laura Wagenknecht It is often said that college is the great equalizer. However, the cost of college has been rising steadily for decades, and it is now out of reach for many students and families. As a result, there is a growing movement to make college education free.There are […]

My educational journey to understand and live with Hashimoto’s Disease

My educational journey to understand and live with Hashimoto’s Disease by Heidi HonchariwWell into retirement, I made the decision to return to school and work towards a Doctorate and Ph.D. in Natural Medicine. But my quest really began in 1989, when I was 40. Unknown to me at that time, I was in the throes […]

Step into (or slip into) the power of your stiletto or Doc Marten network

Step into (or slip into) the power of your stiletto or Doc Marten network by Laura Webb, contributing writer Being a woman in business is hard enough, but frequently we underestimate the power that a strong network can have on our sanity and our success. Whether you offer a product or a service, we recognize […]

Career-ready college graduates: Six effective strategies for today’s small businesses

Six effective strategies for today’s small businesses by Dr. Daryl Green, contributing writer With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to impact businesses globally, even as the pandemic is gradually becoming yesterday’s news, today’s small businesses must continue to rethink their strategies for recruiting younger employees, especially during periods of employee shortages.  Yet, businesses have experienced deficiencies […]

Multicultural Catalyst Program:  Accelerating BIPOC business growth in WNC

Multicultural Catalyst Program: Accelerating BIPOC business growth in WNC In October 2020, Mountain BizWorks launched the Multicultural Catalyst Program. The program creatively redesigns equitable access to capital in an effort to disrupt traditional lending practices that often prevent entrepreneurs of color from starting businesses. A key component of the program is the Catalyst Cohort, an […]


DECISIONS by Lesley King, contributing writer Unmade decisions clutter your mind. They just hang in the background waiting to be decided and shelved. One reason people don’t make a decision easily is because they aren’t sure if it is the right decision. But until you decide, you will not know if the decision is the […]


ENTREPRENEUR SPOTLIGHT Laura Wagenknecht, Mosaic Business Consulting One of the reasons I stay so passionate about helping women and people of color is that we often get the ‘short end of the stick.’ As someone who has helped both men and women get set up for funding from various lending institutions, I can definitely say […]

The Chirindo Foundation

Many schools do not have the necessary infrastructure and resources for learning; like electricity, clean water, classrooms, and books. I knew I had to do something.